New Book Release

A Year with Martin Buber: Wisdom on the Weekly Torah Portion

"Top Ten Book of 2022"

—Academy of Parish Clergy

"Rabbi Ross superbly distills the theology of Martin Buber...An invaluable entry point to a humanist thinker who sought to identify, build, and preserve 'holiness in our daily routines' by putting people, rather than objects, first."

—Publishers Weekly

God in Our Relationships: Spirituality between People from the Teachings of Martin Buber


  • When a Lie Is Not a Sin: The Hebrew Bible's Framework for Deciding

    Sometimes telling a lie is the most truthful thing a person can do. The Hebrew Bible gives us a framework for determining when that is.

  • All Politics Is Religious: Speaking Faith to the Media, Policy Makers and Community

    A practical and empowering resource that provides ideas and strategies for expressing a clear, forceful and progressive religious point of view that is all too often overlooked and under-represented in public discourse.

  • The Ten Commandments: From the Shadow of Eden to the Promise of Canaan

    In this book, Rabbi Ross presents the Ten Commandments as understood by Judaism, the religion of the people who gave them to the world.


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